
Making your world work better

Smart, 综合设施亿宝彩票app官网可以帮助您的组织提高盈利能力, 提高效率,获得竞争优势,同时让您专注于核心业务. 我们适应您的需求和正在进行的转型. 无论在哪个行业,无论在哪个地方,我们都会帮助您取得成功.

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Industry leadership & Recognition

Best Practices Award for 亿宝彩票app India


Read the Frost & Sullivan Report on 亿宝彩票app India亿宝彩票app-India-Best-Practices-Report-by-Frost-and-Sullivan.pdf
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亿宝彩票app印度是伟大的工作场所- tm认证

人创造空间,优秀的人才创造优秀的工作场所 ... We are officially a Great Place to Work®! 该认证是最权威的“首选雇主”认可,被认为是识别和认可优秀职场文化的“黄金标准”.

Read what makes us a Great Place to Work
HQ_first working day_0913_ (26)

Covid-19 Workplace Recommendations: INDIA

Workplace Reimagined

我们正在帮助印度的组织重塑他们的工作场所战略,适应新的工作场所趋势. Our short, mid, 而长期推荐则能让客户同事适应工作场所的“新常态”.

Explore our recommendations


With Pure Space you not only achieve a new, higher standard of hygiene, 您还可以获得保持清洁所需的数据,  排除污染风险并影响正确的行为.

Learn more/亿宝彩票app官网/ services-we-offer /清洁/纯空间

Creating value for your company

Whether it’s hospitals healing patients, 机场欢迎旅客,银行和科技公司吸引最优秀的人才, 我们在这里帮助您的企业发挥其潜力. 让我们为你提供关心你的人,把你的人和地方联系起来, high standards and intelligent solutions.

From strategy to delivery

Our people care. 很少有全球性组织有能力提供范围和, more importantly, the quality of services that we do, 完全由我们自己的敬业员工支持.


Financial targets from 2024 and beyond


organic growth


operating margin


cash conversion

Stories about people, places and planet



亿宝彩票app Insights and Blogs

我们随时了解全球趋势,分享设施管理方面的见解, 工作场所管理和亿宝彩票app官网管理在我们的博客. 

Read our blogs


With Pure Space you not only achieve a new, higher standard of hygiene, 您还可以获得保持清洁所需的数据,  排除污染风险并影响正确的行为.

Learn more/亿宝彩票app官网/ services-we-offer /清洁/纯空间